No Complaints -21 Day Challenge


Christmas is my favorite time of the year. Christmas lights and family gatherings, it really is a time of good cheer. As we get closer to Christmas though it can become a little bit stressful with shopping and parties and finding rest too. Crowded stores and short tempers, become the perfect Petri dish for for negativity.

This year I am going to try something new that will take me right up to Christmas. I just finished reading Will Bowen’s  A complaint Free World and I’m excited to take the 21 Day Challenge. No complaining for the next 21 days.

Here is one of my favorite stories titled, “Thank You for Everything”

The story is told about a woman Zen master named Sono who taught one very simple method of enlightenment. She advised everyone who came to her to adopt an affirmation to be said many times a day, under all conditions. The affirmation was, “Thank you for everything. I have no complaint whatsoever.”

Many people from all arenas of life came to Sono for healing. Some were in physical pain; others were emotionally distraught; others had financial troubles; some were seeking soul liberation. No matter what their distress or what question they asked her, her response was the same: “Thank you for everything. I have no complaint whatsoever.” Some people went away disappointed; others grew angry; others tried to argue with her. Yet some people took her suggestion to heart and began to practice it. Tradition tells that everyone who practiced Sono’s mantra found peace and healing.

Are you with me? Let’s make a difference in our own life and the lives of those around us by being positive. We know that negativity and complaining spreads like a wildfire! So let’s make a difference this holiday season. Thinking before speaking…When we think before we speak, that little pause is all we need to create the happy, joyful life we want, filled with positivity and awareness.

Happy Holidays!Karin xx