God Shots


Have you been thinking about a person and then run into them at the store? Or have you slipped your hand into your jeans pocket to find a twenty dollar bill, at the perfect moment that you’re a little short on cash? How about finding a lost book in the spot that you swear you had already looked and then reading just the right passage to make a difference in the direction of your day?

Are these random events or is this synchronicity? The answer really depends on how you view your inner and outer experiences. It is much easier though, to tap into the synchronicity in life, when you are connected to your source.

Synchronicity is defined as the occurrence of two or more events that appear to be meaningfully related but not causally related. Synchronicity holds that such events are “meaningful coincidences”. This concept has been around for 95 years, since Carl Jung first defined it.

 Whatever its cause, the appeal of synchronicity runs deep. “People love mysterious things, and synchronicity is like magic happening to them,” says Carolyn North, author of Synchronicity: The Anatomy of Coincidence “It gives us a sense of hope, a sense that something bigger is happening out there than what we can see, which is especially important in times like this when there are so many reasons for despair.”

Here is a recent touching example of synchronicity, that a student sent Ashton, (her yoga teacher and friend):

“There’s these crazy moments when things align and you know there’s something greater than you. Tonight my boyfriend and I broke up for good. The reason I started going to yoga was to get skinny to keep up with him. January of last year, I went through 10 studios, 8 Groupons, 40 lbs, 4 sizes and during those adventures I found HYU, the best place that’s ever happened to me.I got on Facebook to distract myself with news feed and Karin had a post on the top of it about the 21 Day Habit, saying “Life is Good.” The year that my dad died he said that like once a week and that saying is huge with in my family because of him.The sense of peace knowing I had found that special place I always looked for, and little “God shots” like seeing Karin’s post make me know this hard stuff just had to lead to something so much greater. Thank you for being on this journey, motivating me, drying my tears and being just this beacon of sun in my life.” Krystle

Take a moment to think about your own life, and where and when serendipity occurs. Begin to know that these are real insights that can lead you to manifest the life you desire. I love when I am in the flow of life and I’m aware enough to experience this magical dance with the Universe. So the next time you’re thinking about a friend and the phone rings and they’re on the line, you’ll know the Universe just sent you a little wink or as Krystle wrote, a “God shot” and be open to the possibilities in that moment, follow your heart wherever it takes you.

Karin xx